本筆記將闡述四項知識產權(Intellectual Property)類別的定義及用途。
以下將會以索尼互動娛樂有限公司(Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.)旗下產品 PlayStation®5 作例子解釋知識產權如何保障企業的權益和競爭優勢。
專利 Patent
定義 Definition
- 專利是一種授予發明者或專利擁有人對其創造的新發明或設計獨有權利的法律保護。
Patent is a legal protection that grants inventors or patent owners exclusive rights to their newly created inventions or designs. - 專利可以防止他人未經許可製造、使用、銷售或進口發明或設計。
Patent can prevent others from manufacturing, using, selling, or importing the invention or design without permission.
有效期 Validity Period
- 專利有效期根據不同的國家或地區的法律而有所不同,但一般而言持續期長達 20 年。
The duration of a patent’s validity varies according to the laws of different countries or regions, but generally lasts up to 20 years.
Patents can protect the designer’s technical invention, in order to reduce the risk of being plagiarized.
註冊外觀設計 Registered Design
定義 Definition
- 註冊外觀設計保護產品的非功能性特徵,例如形狀、圖案、顏色、紋理等。
Registered design protects the non-functional features of a product, such as its shape, pattern, color, texture, etc. - 註冊外觀設計可以防止他人製造、進口、使用、售賣或出租該外觀設計產品。
Registered Design can prevent others from making, importing, using, selling or hiring the registered design product.
有效期 Validity Period
- 註冊外觀設計可以每 5 年續期一次,最長為 25 年。
Registered design protection is renewable for periods of five years up to a maximum of 25 years.
- 備註:以上有效期出自 2022 年 DAT 試卷一答案,實際註冊外觀設計的有效期根據不同的國家或地區的法律而有所不同。
Registered Design can provide legal protection for a product’s appearance, preventing others from copying or imitating the product’s appearance without permission, and protecting the product’s uniqueness and competitive advantage in the market.
The protection of a registered design is limited to the country or region where the applicant resides.
版權 © Copyright ©
定義 Definition
- 版權保護創作作品的形式和表現方式,如文學、藝術、音樂、電影等。
Copyright protects the form and expression of creative works, such as literature, art, music, film, etc. - 版權包括一系列獨有權利,例如複製權、發行權、展示權、散佈權等,版權持有人可以根據自己的意願,授權、限制或禁止他人使用其作品。
Copyright includes a range of exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display, and communicate the work to the public. The copyright owner can grant, restrict, or prohibit others from using their work as they wish. - 版權不需要註冊,只要一個作品創作完成,便自動享有版權。
Copyright does not need to be registered, as it is automatically generated once a work is created.
有效期 Validity Period
- 版權的保護通常從作品創作開始,直至其創作者逝世後 50 年為止。
The copyright protection typically lasts from the beginning of the creation of the work until 50 years after the death of its creator.
註冊商標 ™ Registered Trademark ™
定義 Definition
- 商標是一個協助消費者識別不同企業所提供的商品或服務的標記。
Trademark is a symbol or sign that helps consumers identify the goods or services provided by different companies.” - 註冊商標可以授予商標持有人在特定地區內獨佔使用其商標的權利。
Registering a trademark can grant the trademark holder the exclusive right to use their trademark in a specific region.
有效期 Validity Period
- 註冊商標有效期為10 年,期滿後可以無限次續期。
The validity period of a registered trademark is 10 years, and it can be renewed indefinitely after expiration.
封面圖:Image by Freepik