DAT|流程圖 Flow Chart

本筆記介紹了流程圖 Flow Chart 的功用及其使用方法。

流程圖的作用 The function of the flow chart

  • 流程圖是一個顯示流程、程序或系統運作方式的圖像演示方法
  • 純文字表達的過程需要花費他人較多時間理解,使用流程圖便能夠更簡潔地顯示一個系統的操作過程
  • 除了電子系統的操作流程,流程圖更能用於展示產品設計和開發的過程

流程圖 Flow Chart 共有四個符號,分別為「開始/完結 Start / End」、「處理 Process」、「決定 Decision」和「輸入/輸出 Input / Output」。

FlowChart 1 – 迴享 Recurso

開始/完結 Start / End

Indicates the beginning or end of the flowchart

When used, it needs to write “Start” or “End” in the shape.

FlowChart 2 – 迴享 Recurso

處理 Process

Indicates the process of performing a specific operation

Simply write the steps needed to be performed at that moment in the shape

FlowChart 3 – 迴享 Recurso

決定 Decision

Indicates that a decision needs to be made and leads to following other paths l

In the shape, a question ending in “?” is required

The two arrows extending from the “Decision” shape need to be written “Yes” and “No” respectively.

FlowChart 5 – 迴享 Recurso

輸入/輸出 Input / Output

Indicates that the input is obtained externally or the result is output to the outside

FlowChart 4 – 迴享 Recurso

封面圖:Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik