完成相關國際標準 的評估程序後,產品能夠在超過 160 個國家內自由流通。 After completing the evaluation process for relevant international standards, the product can circulate freely within over 160 countries.
國際標準化組織 International Organization for Standardization(ISO)
ISO 制定的國際標準涵蓋各個領域,例如生產、檢驗、產品設計、企業管治質素等 ISO develops international standards covering various fields such as production, inspection, product design, corporate governance and quality
ISO 標準具有全球認可和通用性 ISO standards are globally recognized and universal
區域標準 Regional Standards
完成相關區域標準的評估程序後,產品能夠在指定市場內自由流通和合法出售。 After completing the evaluation process for relevant regional standards, the product can circulate freely and be legally sold within the designated market.
歐洲合格認證 Conformité Européene(CE)
指該產品符合歐洲有關健康、安全和環保等標準的必要法例,並通過由指定認可的第三者機構驗證 Indicates that the product complies with all relevant requirements of the European Commission related directives on health, safety and environmental protection, etc. and has been verified by a third party designated agency
中華人民共和國國家標準(國標)Guó Biāo(GB)
指該產品符合中國相關法規、技術、安全等要求,並通過指定機構的驗證 Indicates that the product complies with all relevant requirements of Guó Biāo related directives on relevant regulations, technical requirements, safety, etc. and has been verified by designated agency
英國標準 British Standards(BS)
指該產品符合英國相關法規、技術、安全等要求,並通過指定機構的驗證 Indicates that the product complies with all relevant requirements of British Standards related directives on relevant regulations, technical requirements, safety, etc. and has been verified by designated agency
產品標準對社會各持份者的影響 Impact of Product Standards on Social Stakeholders
對消費者的影響 Impact on Consumers
製造商有責任提供符合有關安全要求指令的產品 ,從而降低消費者的風險。 Producers are liable for providing products according to the safety requirements of the directive, therefore reduce the risk to consumers
產品標準可以為消費者帶來產品質素、性能、安全性等保障,幫助消費者作出明智的消費決定。 Product standards can help consumers make informed consumer decisions by providing assurance on product quality, performance and safety.
對製造商的影響 Impact on Producers
提高產品質素和可靠性,增加產品在市場上的競爭力。 Improve product quality and reliability to increase product competitiveness in the market.
提高產品在市場上的信任度,從而增加產品銷量和利潤。 Increase customers’ trust in the product, thereby increasing product sales and profits.
產品標準要求製造商在產品設計、生產過程中遵守相應的規範,意味製造商可能需要對製造流程和產品設計進行調整,以符合標準的要求。 Product standards require manufacturers to comply with relevant regulations in product design and production processes, which means manufacturers may need to adjust their manufacturing processes and product designs to meet the requirements of the standards.
獲得產品標準認證需要支付相應的認證費用,可能會增加製造商的成本。 Obtaining product standard certification requires paying corresponding certification fees, which may increase the manufacturing costs for the manufacturer.