不同工資制度適合的工作/職業 Jobs / Cccupations that Suitable to the Method of Calculating Wages
計時工資 Time Rate
特點 Feature
根據勞工的工時計算工資。 Workers are paid according to their working hours.
適合的工作/職業 Suitable Jobs / Occupations
不標準化的工作。 No standardized work.
量度勞工產量成本太高/太困難的工作/職業。 Jobs / occupations that costly / very difficult to measure the output of workers.
計件工資 Piece Rate
特點 Feature
根據勞工的產量計算工資。 Workers are paid according to their amount of output produced.
適合的工作/職業 Suitable Jobs / Occupations
勞工貢獻易於量度的工作/職業。 Jobs / occupations that workers’ contributions can be measured easily.
利潤分享制/佣金 Profit-sharing Scheme / Commission
特點 Feature
廠商會把部份利潤發放給勞工作為工資。 A proportion of profit is distributed to workers as wages.
適合的工作/職業 Suitable Jobs / Occupations
勞工的表現對廠商的利潤有決定性的影響的工作/職業。 Jobs / occupations that workers’ performance is decisive to the profits of firms.
賞錢 Tips
特點 Feature
顧客向直接為其提供服務的勞工作出金錢獎賞。 Money paid by customers to reward workers providing services to them.
適合的工作/職業 Suitable Jobs / Occupations
直接向顧客提供服務的工作/職業。 Jobs / occupations that providing services to customers directly.
在勞工/僱員的角度 From the Perspective of Workers / Employees
各工資制度的好處 Advantages of Each Wage Payment Methods
計時工資 Time Rate
提供更穩定的收入。 More stable income.
計件工資 Piece Rate
有可能透過更勤奮工作而獲取更高收入。 It is possible for workers to get higher income with more efforts.
利潤分享制/佣金 Profit-sharing Scheme / Commission
有可能透過更勤奮工作而獲取更高收入。 It is possible for workers to get higher income with more efforts.
賞錢 Tips
有可能透過提供更好服務而獲取更高收入。 It is possible for workers to get higher income with better service.
各工資制度的壞處 Disadvantages of Each Wage Payment Methods
計時工資 Time Rate
更勤奮工作無法獲得更高收入。 It is not possible for workers to get higher income with more efforts.
計件工資 Piece Rate
收入不穩定。 Unstable income.
利潤分享制/佣金 Profit-sharing Scheme / Commission
需要承擔部份經營風險/收入不穩定。 Need to bear a part of business risks / Unstable income.
賞錢 Tips
需要承擔部份經營風險/收入不穩定。 Need to bear a part of business risks / Unstable income.
在僱主的角度 From the Perspective of Employers
各工資制度的好處 Advantages of Each Wage Payment Methods
計時工資 Time Rate
更容易維持一個員工團隊。 Easier to maintain a team of staff。
量度勞工的貢獻/產出的成本較低。 Lower cost of measuring the contribution / outputs of workers.
計件工資 Piece Rate
員工的工作意欲更高。 Higher working incentive.
監察勞工表現的成本較低。 Lower cost of monitoring the performance of labour
利潤分享制/佣金 Profit-sharing Scheme / Commission
員工的工作意欲更高。 Higher working incentive.
可以將業務風險分散至員工。 Can spread the business risks to employees.
監察勞工表現的成本較低。 Lower cost of monitoring the performance of labour.
賞錢 Tips
員工的工作意欲更高。 Higher working incentive.
監察勞工表現的成本較低。 Lower cost of monitoring the performance of labour.
各工資制度的壞處 Disadvantages of Each Wage Payment Methods
計時工資 Time Rate
勞工的工作意欲/生產力較低。 Lower working incentive / Lower productivity of labour.
監察勞工表現的成本較高。 Higher cost of monitoring the performance of labour.
計件工資 Piece Rate
勞工或會為產量而放棄質素/產品的質素較低/監察產品質素的成本較高。 Workers may forego quality for quantity / lower quality of products / higher cost of monitoring the quality of products.
計算工資的成本較高/計算產量的成本較高。 More costly to calculate wage payments / Higher cost in measuring the output.
較難維持一個員工團隊。 More difficult to maintain a team of staff.
利潤分享制/佣金 Profit-sharing Scheme / Commission
較難維持一個員工團隊。 More difficult to maintain a team of staff.
賞錢 Tips
較難維持一個員工團隊。 More difficult to maintain a team of staff.