注射成形機由注射組件及模具組成。 The injection moulding machine consists of an injection unit and a mould.
工序 Procedures
將粒狀或粉狀的原料加入到注射機的料斗裡。 Pour the plastic granules into the funnel.
轉動螺杆將膠粒推進至料筒。 Feed the granules to the barrel by turning the screw.
原料在料筒加熱熔化呈流動狀態。 The granules are melted by the heater while feeding.
熔化的膠粒經噴嘴注入模具。 Injection the molten plastics into the mould.
塑膠在模具冷卻硬化定型,然後打開模具推出成品。 When it is cool, open the mould and eject the part.
模具再閉合,然後重複工序。 The mould is then closed, and the process is repeated.
真空吸塑/真空成形 Vacuum Forming
工序 Procedures
將模具放在真空成形機的底部,將塑膠薄片放於模具上方並夾緊就位。 The mould is placed in the bottom of the vacuum former, and a plastic sheet is placed above the mould and clamped in place.
開啟加熱器,使塑膠薄片加熱直至變軟並且變得柔韌。 Turn on the heater and heat the plastic sheet until it is soft and flexible.
關閉加熱器,緩緩向上移動平台,令模具接觸加熱軟化的塑料片。 Turn off the heater, move up the platform gently and bring the mould in contact with the hot, soft plastic sheet.
開動真空泵,真空泵從塑料下面抽出空氣,並通過大氣壓力形成所需形狀。 Turn on the vacuum pump; the air is pumped out from the underside of the required plastic, and the shape is formed through atmospheric pressure.
當塑料片冷卻後退出成品。 Eject the formed part after cooling the plastic sheet.
從成品上剪裁出容器。 Trims out the container from the formed part.
屈曲 Bending
工序 Procedures
在膠片需要屈曲的部分上勾淺坑。 Cut a shallow v-groove at the line of bending on the plastic sheet.
利用發熱線機,將膠片局部加熱,令膠片軟化。 Local heating of the plastic sheet to soften it using a strip heater.
將膠片放在模具上加壓屈曲成型。 The plastic sheet is positioned in a former, press and bend to shape.
將膠片放置至冷卻,使它硬化。 Allow the plastic sheet to cool and become stiff.
量度膠片的屈曲角度是否正確。 Measure whether the angle of the bent plastic sheet is correct.
有需要時重新加熱膠片,作出修正。 Repeat the heating and form processes, and make corrections if necessary.
夾疊黏合成形/積層法 Lamination
事前準備 Preparation
計算並切割板材至所需長度和寬度,預留修剪所需的寬裕度。 Calculate and cut the wood sheet to the required length and width, making allowances for trimming and wastage.
將板材放在蒸汽室或浸泡在熱水中,令其更柔韌和富彈性。 Steam or soak the wood sheet in hot water to make them more flexible.
將板材以奇數堆疊至所需厚度。 Stack an odd number of wood sheets together to the desired thickness.
將每片板材的整個表面塗上較長凝固時間的黏合劑(例如高質量環氧樹脂或木材膠合劑)。 Apply glue with long open time (e.g. high-quality epoxy or wood adhesive) to the entire surface of each wood sheet piece.
按照設計製作陰陽模具。 As per design, prepare male and female formers.
工序 Procedures
將多層黏合的板材夾緊在模具上。 Stack the wood sheet pieces and clamp them in a former.
讓板材夾緊在模具上 24 小時,或直至黏合劑完全固化,令多層黏合的板材條彎曲至所需形狀。 Leave the wood sheet pieces clamped for 24 hours or until the glue is completely cured, making the wood sheet pieces bend to the required shape.
成形後處理 Post-forming Treatment
將成型部件進行鋸截、修邊、磨削,並除去多餘黏合劑。 Saw and trim the finished piece’s edges and remove excess dried glue.
將邊緣進行倒角,然後用砂紙打磨成圓角。 Chamfer and round off and sand the edges.
用砂紙打磨光滑表面。 Sand the surfaces.
擠壓 Extrusion
工序 Procedures
將塑膠顆粒加熱至溶化。 Heat the plastic granules until they melt.
衝頭由液壓驅動,芯軸棒從衝頭中心伸出。 The bloom is initially pierced through the centre by a mandrel, which is driven by hydraulic.
當芯軸棒穿過壓模時形成一個環形隙縫。 The piercing mandrel passes through the die and forms an annular gap.
在衝頭施加的壓力下,材料通過該隙縫被擠出而形成管狀。 The material is extruded through the gap under the pressure exerted by the punch to form the tube.
冷卻材料以固定管的形狀。 Cooling the material to form the shape of the tube.
吹氣成型法/吹塑 Blow Moulding
工序 Procedures(注射吹塑成型 Injection Blow Moulding)
將溶化的塑膠原料加入到注射機。 Pour the plastic granules into the injection unit.
塑膠原料注入到管狀注塑模具。 Plastic granules are injected into the injection mould.
取出注塑模具中的半成品(注射塑膠管),並將其轉移至吹塑模具內。 Remove the semi-finished product (injected plastic tube) from the injection mould and transfer it to the blow mould.
空氣吹入半成品(注射塑膠管)內,使其擴大並依模具的形狀塑造。 Air is blown into the semi-finished product (injected plastic tube), causing it to expand and take up the shape of the mould.
將模具打開和除去成品。 The mould is then opened, and the formed part is removed.
工序 Procedures(擠壓吹塑成型 Extrusion Blow Moulding)
【深衝法 Deep Drawing】
工序 Procedures
將金屬片放於凹模具和壓力環之間。 Place the metal sheet between the die and the pressure ring.
衝頭將金屬片擠壓拉伸至凹模具之中。 Deformed by the punch after pushing the sheet into the die.
升起衝頭,金屬片從模具衝壓成形。退出成品。 Rise the punch. The blank assumes the shape of the die and ejects from the press.