經濟 ECON|經濟表現的量度 Measurement of Economic Performance|失業及就業不足 Unemployment & Underemployment


  • 願意和有能力工作的人。
    People who are willing to work and able to work.
  • 在香港,只有 15 歲或以上的人才會計算在勞動人口內。
    In Hong Kong, only people who are 15 years old or above will be counted in labour force.

公式 Formula

失業率 Unemployment Rate

失業率 = (失業人口)/(勞動人口)× 100 %

Unemployment Rate = (Unemployed Population) / (Labour Force) × 100%

就業不足率 Underemployment Rate

就業不足率 = (就業不足人口)/(勞動人口)× 100%

Underemployment Rate = (Underemployed Population) / (Labour Force) × 100%

失業對社會造成的成本/損失 Cost / Loss of Unemployment to Society

  • 產量損失
    Loss of output
  • 社會問題(例如:政治和社會動盪)
    Social problems (e.g. political and social unrest)
  • 人力資本的損失
    Loss of human capital

  1. 失業率 = (失業人口)/(勞動人口)× 100 %
    Unemployment Rate = (Unemployed Population) / (Labour Force) × 100%
  2. 失業人口數量上的變動(上升/下降/維持不變/不確定)
    Change in the number of unemployed population (Increase / Decrease / Remain Unchanged / Uncertain)
  3. 勞動人口數量上的變動(上升/下降/維持不變/不確定)
    Change in the number of Labour Force (Increase / Decrease / Remain Unchanged / Uncertain)
  4. 比較失業人口和勞動人口的百分率變動(如果只有失業人口數量有變動或者只有勞動人口數量有變動的話,則不用做這個百分率變動的比較)
    Compare the percentage change in unemployed population and labour force (Not necessary if there is a change in either unemployed population or labour force only)
  5. 失業率上升/下降/維持不變/不確定
    Unemployment rate increase / decrease / remain unchanged / uncertain