經濟 ECON|經濟表現的量度 Measurement of Economic Performance|本地生產總值 Gross Domestic Product



本地生產總值 (GDP) 的定義 The Definition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

某經濟體系的所有居民生產單位 (RPU),在某指定期間內生產的最終商品和服務(本年度内)的市場生產總值。
The market value of all final goods and services produced by Resident Producing Units in an economy within a specific period of time (e.g. within the current year.)

  • 居民生產單位 Resident Producing Units (RPU)
    在某經濟體系內維持其經濟利益的中心並留下來/打算留下來至少 12 個月的而又不分國籍的生產單位。
    The production units which maintain their centre of economic interest in an economic territory for/intend to stay for at least 12 months irrespective of their nationalities.

GDP 著重「在哪裡生產」,而 GNI 著重「是誰賺取收入」。
GDP focusing on where the production takes place, and GNI focusing on who earns the income.

本年度的 GDP 應排除哪些物品?What should be excluded in current year’s GDP?

沒有市場價值的物品 Items that do not have market value

例子 Example

  • 家庭的生產 (例如母親為家人做飯)
    (E.g. a mother cook food for family members)

不是最終商品和服務的物品 Items that are not final goods and services

Intermediate goods is not included in the calculation to avoid double counting. Their values are included indirectly through final goods.

不涉及生產的物品 Items that do not involve production

例子 Example

  • 轉移支付
    Transfer Payment
  • 金融資產的資產增值
    Capital gain of financial assets
  • 先前年度生產的金融資產和二手商品的交易
    Transaction of financial assets and second-hand goods which are produced in the previous year(s)
  • 未在市場上銷售和交易的商品和服務(例如:被銷毀的受污染食品)
    Goods and services that are not sold and transacted in the market (e.g. destroyed products like contaminated food)

不是由居民生產單位(RPUs)生產的物品 Items that are not produced by domestic RPUs

例子 Example

  • 進口商品(例如:進口原料)
    Imported goods  (e.g. imported raw materials)
  • 進口服務
    Imported services

不是於本年生產的物品 Items that are not produced in current year

例子 Example

  • 存貨 (先前年度生產的)
    Inventories (which is produced in the previous year(s))

【一件物品】應該算進 GDP 的計算中嗎?(A thing) should be included in the calculation of GDP?

支出面 Expenditure Approach

Consumption Expenditure / Investment Expenditure / Government Consumption Expenditure / Total Exports on Final Goods and Services

生產面 Production Approach

Production (in Hong Kong) carried by resident producing unit in the current year

收入面 Income Approach

Factor income is derived from the production carried by resident producing unit in Hong Kong

為什麼對 GDP 的貢獻小於原先的總值? Why the contribution to GDP is less than original value?

生產要素不是由本地居民生產單位生產 Factor inputs that are not produced by domestic RPUs

例子 Example

  • 進口商品(例如:進口原料)
    Imported goods  (e.g. imported raw materials)
  • 進口服務
    Imported services

物品不是於本年生產 Items that are not produced in current year

例子 Example

  • 存貨 (先前年度生產的)
    Inventories (which is produced in the previous year(s))

計入 GDP 的其他特殊項目 Other Special Items that are Included in GDP

  • 例如:印花稅、律師費、經紀費(佣金)
    E.g. stamp duties, legal fees, brokerage fees (佣金)
  • 它們是計算在本地固定資本形成總額中的轉移所有權的成本
    They are the cost of ownership transfer in the gross domestic fixed capital formation.

Estimated market rental value of own-occupied flat

Household expenditure on renting flats

  • 這些租金用於支付住宅服務
    Those rents are paid for residential services.

Dividends to shareholders

  • 收入面:利潤計入 GDP。
    Income Approach: profit is included in GDP.
  • 當公司透過生產商品和服務賺取利潤時,便會分配股息。
    Dividends is distributed when a firm earns profit through producing goods and services

不計入 GDP 的其他特殊項目 Other Special Items that are NOT Included in GDP

Buying new residential flats by households

  • 它被視為所有權的轉移。
    It is considered as the transfer of ownership
  • 不涉及新資產創造/生產。
     No new assets creation / production is involved.

Illegal production

理論上,它們應該計入 GDP。
Theoretically, they should be included in GDP.

  • 但由於測量困難,它們不包括在 GDP 的計算中。
    However, due to the difficulty in mensuration, they are not included in the calculation of GDP.
  • 在香港,只有無牌小販的生產才計入 GDP。
    In Hong Kong, only production by unlicensed hawkers are included in GDP.

支出面 Expenditure Approach

Y = C + I + G + NX

支出面 Expenditure Approach

(Click Image to Enlarge)

名義 GDP 與實質 GDP Nominal GDP & Real GDP

名義 GDP/以當前市場價格計算的 GDP
Nominal GDP / GDP at current market price

The value of final goods and services measured at current-period market prices.

實質 GDP/以固定的市場價格計算的 GDP
Real GDP / GDP at constant market price

The value of final goods and services measured at based-period market prices.

實質 GDP、名義 GDP、與物價水平之間的關係 Relationship between Real GDP, Nominal GDP & Price Level

名義 GDP 變動 % = 實質 GDP 變動 % + 物價水平變動 %

% change in Nominal GDP = % change in Real GDP + % change in Price level

人均 GDP、人口、與 GDP 之間的關係 Relationship Between Per Capita GDP, Population & GDP

人均 GDP 變動 % = GDP 變動 % – 人口變動 %

% change in Per Capita GDP = % change in GDP – % change in Population

GDP 平減指數 GDP Deflator

GDP 平減指數 = ( 名義 GDP ) / ( 實際 GDP ) × 100

GDP deflator = ( Nominal GDP ) / ( Real GDP ) × 100

GDP 的局限性 Limitations of GDP

GDP 能否全面衡量一個經濟體的生活水平?
Can GDP comprehensively estimate the living standard of an economy?

高估 Overestimate

收入分配不均 Uneven Income Distribution

If income is unevenly distributed, the change in the living standard of ordinary people / the poor will be overestimated.

本地生產總值的組成部分 Composition of Output

If a large proportion of total output consists of capital goods, national defense etc, the corresponding change in the general living standard to citizens will be overestimated

生產所造成的不良影響 Undesirable Effects of Production

Pollution or traffic congestion would lower the living standard. Living standard will be overestimated without such information.

低估 Underestimate

休閒 Amount of Leisure

Leisure (e.g. sports activities) can enhance living standard. Without such information, living standard will be underestimated.

未報告/未銷售的生產活動 Unreported / Non-marketed Production Activities

The consumption of non-marketed goods and services and unreported transactions (e.g. household production) will improve living standard. Without such information, living standard will be underestimated