機會成本 Opportunity Cost
選項一 Option 1 – 已選選項 chosen option
選項二 Option 2 – 在放棄的選項中價值最高者 highest-valued option forgone
選擇選項一的機會成本 Opportunity cost of choosing option 1
= 選項一的成本 Option 1’s cost + ( 選項二的價值 Option 2’ s value – 選項二的成本 Option 2’s Cost )
物品 Goods
經濟物品 Economic goods
免費物品 Free goods
資本物品(生產者物品)Capital goods
消費品 Consumer goods
共用品 Public goods
私用品 Private goods
Non-rival in consumption | Non-excludable in consumption |
A person’s consumption will not reduce the quantity available to others | Too costly to exclude others from consumption |
To borrowers,
interest is the cost he / she paid for earlier consumption on goods / resources
To lenders,
interest is the compensation he / she received for deferring consumption on goods / resources